What Multiple Sclerosis Causes? You Might Be Surprised After Knowing - Medical Health

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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

What Multiple Sclerosis Causes? You Might Be Surprised After Knowing

The cause of MS is not known. Scientists believe MS is triggered by a combination of factors. Scientists are also studying infectious agents that may play a role.

A new type of multiple sclerosis (MS) has been identified by researchers, and the discovery changes the understanding of the disease.MS has long been considered a disease of the brain’s white matter, where immune cells destroy the fatty protective covering (myelin) on nerve cells.  Read More 

Fatigue: Fatigue is one of the most common and debilitating MS symptoms and affects at least two-thirds of patients with MS is included in multiple sclerosis complications. Fatigue causes a general lack of energy that significantly limits daily functioning regardless of any neurologic symptoms or specific muscle weaknesses.  Read More 

Scientists are also studying infectious agents that may play a role. Understanding what causes Multiple Sclerosis will speed the process of finding more effective ways to treat it and ultimately cure it, or even prevent it from occurring in the first place.   Read More